Question:   What has “The Wizard of Oz” got to do with Tennis?

 Answer:     Character Building and never, ever forgetting to Believe in Yourself!”

  • Most people have the qualities to be successful in anything they do, but only by experiences in life are these character traits ever developed and used. That is why so many people believe that it is adversity, not prosperity that breeds success. Here at Tennis Blast, we put our students in situations or circumstances that develop these qualities.
  • They include the ability to think and concentrate when under pressure, intensity of effort, relaxed focus, dedication, discipline, determination and desire (the 4 Ds); courage, patience, composure, persistence, initiative and resourcefulness; passion and loyalty. This is achieved where each person is placed in an exaggerated situation where they need these qualities in greater quantity to reach their ultimate goal, survive or achieve what they truly desire. With this comes with a better understanding of their purpose in life. By coping with intensity and pressure that is sweetened by the fun, excitement and challenge of their favourite activity; like playing a great sport, including tennis.
  • Due to genetics and a person’s upbringing in the early years, which one has no control over, different people may develop at different times in their life and acquire various character traits to varying degrees. This is why some people need more or less assistance at different times. 
  • We all can relate to the popular story and movie called “The Wizard of Oz,” where the Tinman seeks a heart, the Scarecrow a brain and the Lion believes he is a coward and badly needs to find some courage.
  • They survive the ordeal of finding the Wizard and the attacks of the Wicked Witch of the West. Their characters are put to the test. In their bid to help Dorothy, whom they come to love with great passion, the 3 heroes develop all the skills and character traits they are searching for and survive, save Dorothy’s dog Toto and reach the Wizard. Dorothy shows great patience and determination and dedication to their cause and acts as the catalyst and in many ways a teacher and mentor to the trio.
  • Dorothy, the Scarecrow the Tinman and the Lion gain every character trait and good human qualities from the true to life experiences of adventure and endeavour. Their gifts are earned without pain because they are rewarded with brains, heart and courage without even knowing they had earned them in their adventure.
  • Due to their love and consideration for each other the four characters set goals together and conquer them. Having lived their dream, the three heroes find the answer to all their questions. They had learned to Believe in Themselves.
  • Overcoming our greatest fears, setting goals and achieving them are among the most satisfying, enjoyable and healthy activities in life. This process is necessary build a strong, rich and resourceful individual capable of getting through the many obstacles, ordeals, problems and disappointments in life. One must be abled to enjoy life, love, happiness, ecstasy, success, winning, excitement, and fun yet also live through and accept injustice, defeat, failure, uncertainty, pain, sadness, despair, loneliness and death.
  • The answer to all this lies in believing in yourself, resourcefulness and the strength of mind to combat every possible situation that can arise in the many twists and turns of life. Only the toughest will survive. So Mental Toughness, a key word in life, especially in a demanding sport like tennis, is something we identify, teach and develop in every student here at Tennis Blast.
  • We insist that each generation of students evolves with a great attitude and passes this character building experience and knowledge down to the next generation of students, creating an ever improving path to guide each of us to achieve everything we strive for and to wherever we wish to go.
  • We would also like to add that forgiveness is a valuable part of anyone’s character. Life is a process of birth, growing up and growing up some more. We all make mistakes, learn from them and eventually mature. Everyone deserves a second chance – as long as they earn it.